
Qualified applicants to the INSPIRE program must have completed a doctoral-level degree. Those with a medical degree must have also completed a United States residency program.

Applicants must show proof of US citizenship.

How to Apply

Important: There is no set application deadline. Admission is rolling until all positions are filled. Therefore, early applications receive priority. If you have a question regarding your eligibility or an application, contact Shannon Christensen at shannon-christensen@uiowa.edu.

To apply, please mail the following application materials to Shannon Christensen at the address below:

  • Cover letter stating your interest in the INSPIRE program
  • Resume/CV
  • Study project proposal (2-5 pages), which includes the following:
    • A description of your substantive areas of interest
    • The type of project you wish to undertake
    • The particular methods of approach in which you want additional training
    • The laboratory or research unit in which you would prefer to work
  • Three letters of references can be mailed to the Program Manager (see below)
    • One letter must be from a previous research mentor
    • One letter must be from a previous research collaborator
    • One letter can be a professional reference of your choice


Shannon Christensen
INSPIRE Program Manager
The University of Iowa - Department of Psychiatry
501 Newton Road, 216 Medical Research Center
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-6645